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Cultivate your Discord community with Art Prompts

An illustration of an Android phone with many Art Prompts logos coming out of the screen.

1000+ original prompts

The Art Prompts Discord bot features over 1000 unique, original prompts, designed to give you the inspiration you need to keep drawing.

An illustration of Discord's mascot, Wumpus, cultivating a small garden.

Cultivate your community

If you’re the owner of an art server, the Art Prompts bot is a must-have.

An illustration of several drawings of people on paper.

Draw with your friends

Challenge your friends on Discord to draw the same prompt as you!

An illustration of a superhero with the Art Prompts logo on their chest.

Fan Art category

Discord is the place for gamers. That’s why we’re working on an exclusive premium Fan Art category for the bot! We’re hoping to release it in 2022.

Get Art Prompts to your Discord server

Access all of the prompts and find the inspiration you need to get better at what you love doing, today! Invite the Art Prompts Discord bot by clicking the button below.

Command list


Learn to use the bot using the official list of commands.

Check out what is changing in the bot’s changelog